Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Compliment Board

Okay crew members. I'm sounding the alarm. The time has come. We are going on the offensive. A very, very polite offensive. 

We are going to single handedly...with our multiple hands...change the mood of this country. No more strife. No more parties: Democratic, Libertarian, or Tea.  We are going to start a mood in this country where we appreciate what we have...not longing for what we think we are missing.

We're going to focus on the good. And only the good. 

Here's what we'll do. If you're driving and someone cuts you off...don't shoot THEM the finger. No. That's recognizing the bad. Quickly find a good driver and give them the thumb! Thumbs up, that is.  Let someone know they were driving well. 

And if a waitress gives you bad service at a restaurant...regain your focus and recognize a server in the same restaurant that may be wonderful with their customer. Let them know you noticed and compliment them. 

If you really want to change the mood and affect as many people as you can, call the 1-800 number of whatever company you are visiting and tell them about the wonderful server you saw. By doing this, we are giving the customer service operator a welcome reprieve from the endless complaints they receive. In fact, now you can compliment THEM. Take it all the way to the top. 

It just may be that the original waitress you initially called about will now receive a welcomed reward from her company. Now his/her esteem has grown and the energy will expand to include every customer they have after that.

We can do this! Here is a short list of phone numbers that will help get us started in our endeavor. And please, please share your stories with me and the rest of the crew. We'll compare and see who had the best WOW story.

Corporate Phone #'s

McDonalds - 1-800-244-6227
Burger King - (305) 378-3535
Wendys - (614) 764-3100, ext. 2032
Starbucks - (800) 235-2883
Lowes - 1-800-445-6937
Home Depot - 1-800-466-3337


Saturday, August 14, 2010

We Need New Curse Words

So I'm watching a movie last night and every other word is an F-bomb. 

I get it. I realize the movie was supposed to depict people in real life.  And I'm sure people speak that way in many, many circles in which I do not travel. Don't get me wrong. I can curse like a sailor. Which makes sense - I AM a pirate. And as peaceful as I may be...I still need a good curse word for when I stub my toe.  It happens.

But the F-bombs really got to me. I couldn't get used to them. I cringed every time I heard them. This led to self reflection. Why am I cringing? Why am I letting this particular word offend me? They aren't talking to me. I shouldn't take it personally.

So I tried to salvage the rest of the movie by playing a little game in my head. I tried to think of the least offensive word I could. Then, in my mind, I substituted that word for the F-bomb every time they used it. So now the movie was full of the word "puppy."

"You mother puppy! Why the puppy did you do that!!! You must be out of your puppy mind!!"

That's when it hit me. I hadn't been offended at all by the F-bomb. Heck! I love puppies...and I got really tired of hearing it over and over.

No, I wasn't offended at all. I was bored. 

Bored out of my puppy mind.

The F-bomb is soooo overused. In fact, it is rarely used for the purpose in which it was created. I mean, seriously,  "Why the F-bomb did you do that?" doesn't even make sense.

Twenty five years ago, I remember overhearing a five year old use the F-bomb to a younger child. I had to laugh. It was so outrageous. I asked the five year old, "Do you even know what that word means?" He looked me in the eye and replied "well, it's like making love. But you don't really mean it.".

I would like to think that child has grown up to be a Professor of English somewhere. He certainly had a command of the English language at a very young age. 

And yet that was twenty five years ago. It doesn't offend any more. It's used in the strangest of word combinations. It's like using like in like every sentence. Makes no sense and gets very tiring.

So I'm ready for new curse words. Something fresh. Maybe a funny sounding word like "snorket" and it can mean something vile and crude. I think it would take me a while to get tired of "snorket." It's kind of fun to say. I'll try it in a movie:

Here's a line from the movie Superbad: "McLovin's never existed because that's a made up dumb SNORKET FAIRY TALE NAME, YOU SNORKET!

I think snorket works! (excuse my language).

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Simple Words can do Powerful Things!

Today I did something that changed the mood and behavior of a few people. It didn't cost me a thing. I didn't need special training...heck, I didn't even break a sweat doing it!

Today I smiled at a lady and said "Thank you! You're good at your job...have a great day!"

Not just "Thanks" or "Have a great day".  Those sentiments get lost in the mundane, lifeless conversations we have with strangers every day. No, I actually looked her in the eyes and genuinely complimented her. And the smile she gave me brightened the overcast, threatening sky above.

This exchange took place at a fast food drive thru window. Prior to our exchange, she had mumbled her script through the speakers. I could barely understand her. Many could've passed the mumbling off as someone who hated her job and had no respect for the customer to whom she was speaking. But as I approached the window, I saw her frantically reaching for a cup for someone's order while punching on the keypad and taking the current customer's order. Then she rapidly rattled off my total to me while sticking out her hand and casting me a steely look. Now if I had been in a gloomy mood, I could have translated that look as a look of disgust. But because I was in a cheery mood, I decided to define the look as a determined look. The orders and totals were swirling in her mind as she skillfully and dutifully performed her job with perfection. That is when the words flew out of my mouth: " Thank you! You're good at your job...have a great day!".

Her reaction was immediate. Her left hand flew over her heart. Her eyebrows raised. And...yep...that radiant smile emerged. She immediately snapped back to her script as the next customer approached the order kiosk outside. But this time her voice was much cheerier. She was still smiling. And each word was crystal clear. In turn, that particular customer had a very pleasant experience.

This is all that needed to happen on the Jet Blue airliner a couple of days ago with Steve Slater. He was doing his job. And a lady was rude to him. He was injured by her neglect. And he snapped.  Now I won't jump on the bandwagon and call him a hero. And I certainly realize that there were a number of ways he could have better dealt with the situation.

But in an age where we read of disgruntled workers shooting everyone in their path because they "can't take it anymore", it is extremely refreshing to see a man use only words, not violence, to exclaim his frustration...then grab two beers and slide away.

Now I have no idea what led to the disgruntled passenger's actions. Was she visiting a loved one in the hospital and was anxious to grab her bag and go? Was she feeling sick and just wanted to get out of there? Had her life been threatened by the passenger beside her? Who knows.

What I do know is this: no one on that plane woke up that morning planning to ruin her day. She overreacted by insulting a worker performing his job, and, as a result, she injured him.

After all of that, he only asked for an apology. That in itself is a testament to her personality that he even had to ask.

She could've made many different choices. But her interpretation of his Jet Blue trained instructions affected her selfish ego. And that has affected millions of people across the country and may very well send a man to jail.

11 words brightened a fast food clerk's day today. Two words could have prevented this national story.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Typical Orlando Florida Day

Had an amazing day yesterday!

Here is fair warning for next year, mark your calendars for the Encore! concert written and performed by Disney cast members next year! We saw it yesterday and it was an absolutely phenomenal show!

After that, we met parrot head friends at The Oasis Tiki Bar on I-Drive in Orlando. There are so many things to love about our parrot head friends, but the number one thing I love about them is: one phone call, and word travels and a bunch show up! An instant party!

Of course, it helped that they were volunteering at nearby Give Kids The World. An amazing charity. It's Orlando Florida's fourth theme park...for children with life threatening illnesses. The local chapter of Parrot Heads put on a pool party complete with DJ DeciBel!

Peaceful Pirate + Parrot Heads of Central Florida + The Oasis Tiki Bar= One great life!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Peaceful Pirate traveled from Vero Beach to St Augustine this past week. Such friendly folks out there...and great places to eat and drink.

Learned a lot of history about the French and Spanish in the 1500's. It is amazing how many people have been killed in the name of a religion. And every person thinks their interpretation is the correct one. So silly.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010 Hero

Just spent an incredible day at Vero Beach.

Started out at Mulligans right on the beach. Excellent service. Excellent food. And the atmosphere? Well, every other song was Jimmy Buffett off a LIVE album. I'd say that's pretty close to perfect.

Then I sat on the beach. Watched kids play. Watched people laugh. Watched the tide come in...go out. This was perfection.

On the way out of town, thought I'd stop off at Kilwins for a waffle cone. Perfect end to a perfect day.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I left my Peaceful Pirate heart in St Augustine

Wow. Just had a whirlwind trip to St Augustine, Fl! Love, love, love that city!

There is something magical about sitting in the Milltop Tavern among the tree tops...drinking a tall cold draught beer while gazing over the Castillo De San Marcos towards the Atlantic Ocean. Some of my crew were complaining of the heat. I chuckled to myself thinking of our antepasados 400 years earlier wearing armor or wool uniforms. I was quite comfortable in my 100% cotton Peaceful Pirate lime green tank top.

The heat is simply a warm Florida hug.

Friday, July 30, 2010

What am I thinking today?

That is the question I ask myself every day when I wake up.

This day is a gift. I woke up breathing. That's a great start! And I remind myself that the only thing I can absolutely control...without a doubt...and without any interfering from outside circumstances...are my thoughts.

I can think anything I choose. That's a powerful statement. I have to let that soak in for a minute. I have the ability and THE choose absolutely any thought I want to.

So I'll choose only thoughts that make me feel good. That sounds so simple. And it sounds so obvious. Yet I've been taught all my life that I can't do it. How many times have I heard "I can't stop thinking about it!" or "I can't help but think that...".

I will consciously try to think only thoughts that make me feel good. If I start to worry about an outcome that could happen later in the day, I will catch myself and imagine the opposite outcome. Why not? It's just a thought anyway.

How are your thoughts?? Want to join me?

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How to turn up your peace volume!

To turn up your Peace volume, you need to turn down the noise.

And the biggest noise maker is "the news".

Turn off the news. Turn off talk shows. Turn off anyone that gets paid to speak for a living. If people are paid to tell you your thinking is wrong...or lifestyle is wrong....or that you should be angry...or saddened...turn it off. Turn it all off.

Before television, we talked to each other... Face to face...or at least on the phone. If one of us was bent out of shape about something, the other one could calm us down. We actually reasoned with one another. If you were angry about a situation and wanted to find "like minded" folks, you had to walk or drive to find a group that shared the same frustration. And maybe you cooled down before you got there.

But now you can simply flip a switch in your bedroom...and there is a man or woman waiting there to confirm any fears or suspicions you may have about any subject.

Are you a new mom nervous about your child getting hurt while playing? Turn on the TV. There are sure to be news stories about lead in his toys.

Are you a young girl getting ready to date for the first time? Turn on the your local news. Surely there will be a story about how many date rapes occurred over the last year.

Are you a man trying to support his family? Any channel will be happy to report gloomy economic news and strike fear in your heart that your company could be the next to downsize.

In other words, these fears have always existed. But we turned to friends and family to help gain a little perspective. Now TV seems to give our fears credence.

So turn to the Peaceful Pirate! He will remind you that everything TRULY does work out. Your child will be fine! Your first date will be amazing! And you, sir, deserve a promotion!

Smooth sailin'!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Peaceful Pirate Solution

I have overcome an addiction that has wreaked havoc with my health, wealth, and general well being.

I have broken my addiction to...drama.

It took me a long time to realize it, but the “pushers” that addicted me to drama are the pundits, anchors, and hosts of TV shows that tell me a story, then tell me how emotional I should be about it. They sometimes even lead by example with tears or fits of outrage.

This led me to wonder: before television, how did people survive without our news organizations warning them of how afraid we should be?

And that's when I came up with the Paul Revere Principle.

This is a simple question of whether or not a news story is truly something of which I should be concerned: if our media only had the technology that was available in Boston on April 18,1775, would any of them be willing to climb on a horse in 40 degree weather and ride to my house and tell me?

If not, then I don't need to know it.

Think if our current media organizations applied the Paul Revere Principle as a standard today. We would be a much calmer, more peaceful society.

I would not hear Harvey Levin from TMZ riding through my neighborhood shouting “Mel Gibson is cursing! Mel Gibson is cursing!”.

I would not hear Jim Gray from ESPN shouting about Lebron James “One if by Cleveland, Two if by Miami!”.

In fact, it would take too many trips on horseback to inform me of changing poll numbers, unemployment statistics, fluctuating interest rates, etc. Without those statistics in my head, I can sleep soundly - free from worry.

So if you want a more peaceful life, I suggest you adopt the Paul Revere Principle. 99.9% of the news just isn't worth saddling a horse for! So turn off the news and dream big.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Peaceful Pirate's take on the Gulf Oil Spill 2010

Well, here we are facing a huge environmental catastrophe brought on by our need for oil. Oil. More oil! There was a day when ships only used wind to get around. When cars didn't exist. And the only fuel needed was hay and water for our horses.

Ahhh but times have changed. The twentieth century saw the largest technological increase in the history of mankind. Wow! Yet, in the over all scheme of things, I wonder if sometimes our technology only winds up taking us several steps back. Seriously. And we're too blind to see it. It's the whole "can't see the forest for the trees" analogy. Which, by the way, is why I prefer the sea. Nothing can hide out there.

Just this morning, I received a text. I was supposed to meet a friend at an appointment. The text asked if we could reschedule to accomodate another friend. Unfortunately, I had a conflict with the new time. So I texted back...fumbling for the right screen and right keys to convey my reply. It took over ten minutes and several texts to iron out all the details. I thought to myself: it is absolutely astounding that this device will allow me to receive a message and then type a response to someone several miles away! hear me out on this...wouldn't it be cool if you could actually speak into this device and have a real time conversation with someone miles away? It would cut the time dramatically. And I would not have to resort to smiley face emoticons to convey my cheeriness.

Alexander Graham Bell is probably questioning his life's work.

Our society has gone from being able to speak clearly to one another from across the world... to typing on tiny keyboards with our thumbs.

And it is not just with phones. The other day I showed my children the critically acclaimed, and highly educational, film "Funny Farm" with Chevy Chase. In it, Chevy's character takes a picture with a Polaroid camera. The minute he snapped the shutter, the actual photograph spat out the bottom of the camera. My children were amazed! "Whoa!" they exclaimed. "That's more advanced than we have now!". True story.

And, you know? They are exactly right. In Mr. Chase's hand was a photograph. He could touch it. Feel it. Pass it around for all to see. Nowadays, after taking a picture with my digital camera, I have to upload it to my laptop. Then resize it in order to share it with social networks. Or connect a wire from my laptop to my flat screen TV to show my in-laws the picture of the bird I snapped outside my window last Wednesday.

In defense of our digital cameras today, I admit the pixel resolution is much better. This allows my Facebook friends to see a clearer, sharper image of the bird outside my window. And not just any friends. Thanks to the technologically advanced social networking sites, I have reconnected with long -lost childhood friends. And they are enjoying every high resolution picture I post of the bird outside my window. I know they are glad to see it because their smiley emoticons in the comments prove it.

Technology has allowed us to drill for a black substance a mile below the ocean surface. A mile! That's amazing. Yet soon our beaches may look like they did millions of years ago. Desolate and devoid of life. We have not figured out the technology to stop the well from gushing. Maybe we shouldn't. Maybe this is nature's "Do over" so we'll get the message to enjoy what we have...just as it is.

Oh. I see someone agrees! Alexander Graham Bell just clicked "Like" on my Facebook status!